
About Sarah Beaulieu

Sarah Beaulieu is the founder of The Enliven Project.

Think rape sucks? Here are 5 things you can do about it.

Hearing a story about sexual assault can make you feel really powerless. Maybe you read my story here or heard a story at a Take Back the Night, and you felt moved, a little astounded to hear the words spoken out loud, supportive but a little lost.


Sexual assault is a crime of power and […]

By |May 4th, 2012|Sexual Violence|4 Comments

Speaking out, speaking up

On Monday, I spoke at UMass Boston’s Take Back the Night as a part of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center’s survivor speaker bureau. The speakers bureau has been a great way to tell my story for the purpose of breaking silence, dispelling myths, and educating the community about the realities of sexual assault.


BARCC’s training for this program […]

By |May 1st, 2012|Sexual Violence|0 Comments

Spring risotto

Feeling like a working mom rockstar. This may be my first home cooked meal in a weeknight since baby!

By |April 26th, 2012|Random Thoughts|0 Comments

It’s just a job. So stop stressing about the rest of your life.

I just had coffee with one of the many amazing and soon to be college graduates in my life.  She suggested that I write down my snippets of apparent wisdom that I have picked up over the years.  Here they are in all their (hopefully) glory:


You are not going to change the world by […]

By |April 24th, 2012|Random Thoughts|1 Comment

If Hope Had a Color, What Would it Be?

One of the most powerful tools we can provide for survivors of sexual assault and abuse is hope.  When facing the pain and suffering that accompanies sexual violence, hope can seem like a distant joke.  As friends and family of survivors, as members of a community that does not tolerate sexual violence, and as […]

By |April 21st, 2012|Sexual Violence|0 Comments

Three reasons you should know (and care about) John Surma

As a survivor of sexual assault and abuse, I watched the media coverage of the allegations against Sandusky and administrators at Penn State unfold with fascination and disgust.  There were lots of stories published about lots of different people, and through it all, one person stood out to me:  John Surma.  While I am […]

By |April 20th, 2012|Sexual Violence|1 Comment

Enlivening: What it’s all about

Last week, I received an email from a name I didn’t recognize. M said he was a student at Ralston Middle School. He thought I had done a presentation at his school and was writing to let me know that he planned on counting the number of times

i get called a bad name, get […]

By |April 17th, 2012|Enlivening|0 Comments

Walking for Change

I love the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center’s annual Walk for Change.  It’s an event for survivors of sexual violence, their family and friends, and advocates.  This year, I’m walking with my husband and 8-month old baby boy.  I want to teach my son how to be a compassionate friend to people who are […]

By |April 15th, 2012|Sexual Violence|0 Comments

Magic wands, the meaning of life, and safe distances

One of the things that provides my life with a lot of meaning is sharing my story with others, in hopes that a piece of my experience might help transform another person’s life.  Currently, I am a part of the Survivor’s Speakers Bureau at BARCC, which means that I went through a day-long training […]

By |August 31st, 2010|Sexual Violence|1 Comment

100 Things

I just bought Stephen Levine's book, A Year to Live.  In this book, Levine explores what it is like to live in the face of death.  He chronicles his personal journey of imagining his own death, and how deepening his relationship to death brought him more fully into his own life.In these past few […]

By |August 16th, 2010|Enlivening|5 Comments